Post-Pandemic, Employee Mental Health More Critical Than Ever

Employee Mental Health is Suffering Since March 2020, when the pandemic began, people around the world have suffered greatly. Isolation, illness, and job loss has led to increased stress and anxiety. Now, as employers prepare to return to offices, they need to consider: how will they bring their workforce back (remote, hybrid, in-person)? what will


It’s Urgent – Succession Planning In A Post-COVID World

Succession planning is smart business for businesses of all sizes. From Fortune 1000’s to small, family-owned operations, preparing now for the inevitability of turnover in key leadership positions means avoiding instability and disruption in the future. The COVID crisis has imparted an urgency to this issue as many companies have begun contemplating the consequences of


Search Industry Essentials – Tech, Social Media, and AI

2020 changed the landscape to “Tele-Everything.” It was a challenging year for most employers and their employees as the Covid-19 pandemic caused global economic disruption and left most countries in some form of lockdown. Despite adversities, many companies responded with innovation and creativity, shifting rapidly to online channels. A McKinsey study conducted in October 2020