What Personality Traits Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur?

According to the World Economic Forum, the global economic instability of the last few years is expected to continue. From large scale layoffs to the recent banking crisis, further disruption is anticipated. Yet counterintuitively, this climate could lead entrepreneurs, whether working independently or within organizations, to launch new businesses, new product lines, and new services.


The Metaverse – For HR, A New Space

When Facebook rebranded as Meta, those familiar with the Metaverse understood the economic opportunity recognized by Zuckerberg and his colleagues, while those who had yet to pay attention, took notice. Defining the Metaverse The Metaverse is the convergence of two tech concepts: 1) virtual reality (VR) where one views a 3-D environment, shifting perspective by


COP-26 and The Big Impact on Business

Recently in Glascow, Scotland, diplomats from 197 nations agreed to a “historic” environmental pact to address the threats of climate change. COP-26 was the 26th meeting of the Conference of Parties, nations that first met in 1992 at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to “prevent dangerous human interference in the climate system.”